News, Events & Press

All News, Events and Press releases

January 2022 -

BMBF grant for CeNTech start-up Pixel Photonics

Pixel Photonics and the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU) have received a joint research grant of roughly 2.6 million EUR from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to develop a new generation of high-speed quantum key distribution (QKD) systems. Within the QSAMIS project Pixel Photonics and the WWU will develop a new type of ultrafast QKD system with significantly increased data rates in the Gbit/s regime, serving as a building block for large-scale QKD networks and providing data security to critical sectors such as government, healthcare and finance. QSAMIS is part of the BMBF call "Enabling Start-up Unternehmensgründungen in den Quantentechnologien und der Photonik".

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Nov 26, 2021 -

MATMED MDR workshop at CeNTech

The 2nd MATMED ( MDR workshop took place at CeNTech. In collaboration with the TÜV SÜD Akademie 12 organizations obtained an overview of the MDR/IVDR regulation and in particular of the establishment of a quality management system. Mainly young companies or start-up organizations attended the event. Referent Christina Lozancic pointed out that the companies have to deal with the regulation at an early stage and that the implementation is time-consuming and complex. It is definitely too late to start after a prototype has been completed

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October 7, 2021 -

CeNTech Science Breakfast 2021 in presence

After nearly two years scientists from the local science park presented their current research activities at the CeNTech Science Breakfast. More than 40 participants from academia and industry got informed about actual developments in nanotechnology, battery research or quantum optics. "We want to crosslink research and application in order to generate additional value from Knowledge", CeNTech managing director Enno Fuchs explained and invited to an intensive exchange.

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June 15, 2021 -

Mayor of Rostock, Claus Ruhe Madsen, at CeNTech

The CeNTech had the pleasure to welcome a delegation from the City of Rostock, led by the lord mayor C.R. Madsen. CEO Enno Fuchs and CSO Holger Winter presented the CeNTech concept with a focus on the interdisciplinary R&D activities and the support of startups/SMES as part of Münster´s Alliance of Science. Furthermore, mayor Madsen and his team had a look at the laboratories of PD Harry Mönig to get an impression about the nanoanalytical competences at CeNTech.

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April 2021 -

Minster Pinkwart praises Münster´s innovation potential

As part of the NRW Nano-Conference the NRW Minister of Economic Affairs visited Münster. Mayor Lewe and Enno Fuchs, the managing director of the Münster Economic Development Corporation (WFM) welcomed Minister Pinkwart. Pinkwart praised the development of the Nanoregion Münster and stated a high innovation potential. About 500 participants and nearly 40 exhibitors attended the first virtual NRW Nano-conference.

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April 2021 -

EU granted MATMED proposal

The monitoring committee of Interreg North West Europe approved the MATMED application for capitalization. Thereby CeNTech will receive an additional budget for new activities. The focus will be on COVID 19 related R&D projects and to support interaction between clinicians and technology developers. More information is available at

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